Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hot Topic Makes a Movie;The Alice in Wonderland Review/Rant

Tim Burton is a marketing genius...How so? Just take a look at "Alice in Wonderland" a "sequel" to the animated Disney film. Don't get me wrong, i like Burton, i honestly really liked "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" but honestly at this point Mr.Burton has worn out this style, "Wonderland" is the death throughs of the "Burton-Depp" genre. What exactly is this genre you ask? Well it's taking Burton's directing, Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow performance, and emo/goth/hipster style and blending it until it's a generic mess that the Tweens will eat up with the ferocity of a rabid dog at a kitten buffet. There is very little personality, just a very superficial "quirk, and if i know young teens they're all about superficiality. The movie is BORING the story is almost "Chronicles of Narnia", and the acting, well the actors certainly were present. Johnny Depp plays Jack Sparrow with a Scottish accent and face paint, Anne Hathaway seems to be stoned out of her mind the entire time (can't blame her), and Alice, the MAIN CHARACTER, is entirely forgettable. The only people that stand out at all are Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen and Alan Rickman as the Caterpillar. Its amazing that a world that looks so cool can be so dull. Oh, and I'm usually a proponent of CGI but everything in this movie was done with computers...Even a horse...A HORSE, Are they that hard to come by? Go watch the animated movie, read the books, get your "Alice" fix some other way, cause this movie was made to merely sell t-shirts and Halloween costumes, nothing more...congratulations Mr.Burton you've taken everything that made your vision special and turned it into a marketing tool. This gets a 1.5 outta 5

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