Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Final Frontier...of Mediocracy; Planet 51 Review

Recently i've seen alot of animated movies that have surprised me. They've been high quality films, that were decent alternatives to Pixar movies. "Planet 51" has killed any good will that may have been built up, This movie sucks. There are some good qualities, the animation is pretty nice, it's colorful, and the designs of the characters are pertty good. The idea is fairly inspired, take the classic 1950's alien invasion story and flip it around; this time it's a human landing on an alien planet. The execution, just falls flat though. The acting is ok, but the human astronaut, played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, totally drains everyone else's perfomance, and he is by far the worst character. The soundtrack was a horrible atrocity too. Using the 1950's as the inspiration it would make since that the music in the movie would be from the 50's. Instead of using the real tracks, like they should have, they used the most awful sounding remakes ever, just pure garbage. On the topic of the 50's there are alot of references to 50's and 60's pop culture, why? This movie was made for children, i don't think they're gonna laugh at the Bob Dylan jokes. They wouldn't laugh anyways cause the writing sucks, and most of the logic of the movie doesn't even make sense, like it rains rocks...I don't care if this does take place on an alien world, that isn't logical by any means, but it's a kids movie so i guess they get some lee way, not alot though. Another part of the film that bugged me was some product placement thrown into the movie, it might just be me, but the fact that they used Twix candy bars in the film was off putting. There were many other things that made this movie horrible but i don't really want to get into all the little details. Just know this, ignore the movie, pretend it doesn't exist, go see "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" or "How to Train Your Dragon" they are pretty darn good and should get your attention. This, on the other hand gets 2 Outta 5.

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