Saturday, January 16, 2010

Movies that have NO business being in 3D

So 3D movies has become quite the big deal recently and its a trend that won't go a way for a while. Unfortunately Hollywood is attracted to gimmicks, and they are quick to swamp the market with attempts to make a quick buck.So while paroosingthe Wikipedias i came across a list of movies that will be released in 3D and all i have to say is WHY?Here's the list and why they're stupid:

1.Saw VII-Don't get me wrong, the Saw franchise is the best horror movie series out there, because it had a "coherent" story line. Making a 3D Saw is almost as bad as putting Jason Voorhees in space.

2.Jackass 3D-Do i really need to go into detail as to why this is a bad idea? Sure there are some funny gags they do, but if you've seen the worst of their stunts involving bodily fluids then you'll understand why this film shouldn't be made, i don't want to see 3D vomit.

3.Step Up 3D-A big draw of 3D is one of two things, either stuff is constantly flying at you or it gives the film a field of depth making it more visually alluring. What is Step Up gonna do? have the dancers jump at the camera over and over again?

4.Piranha 3D-What can fish possibly do in 3D that they can't do in 2D? I really don't have much else to say about that one.

So there you have just a few of the "wonderful" movies you can see in glorious 3D! I don't know about you but i cant' wait until i see gore, vomit, sweaty dancers, and fish thrown at me IN 3D!

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